Sunday, December 15, 2013

Thinking you are Happy


Think yourself happy!

Is becoming happier as easy as trying to become happier? The latest research by two US academics suggests it might be. 

Writing in The Journal of Positive Psychology, Yuna L. Ferguson and Kennon M. Sheldon present the results of their recent experiments into ‘trying to become happier’.sunshine-2

In the first study, two sets of participants listened to ‘happy’ music. Those who actively tried to feel happier reported the highest level of positive mood afterwards. In the second study, participants listened to a range of ‘positive’ music over a two-week period; those who were instructed to focus on improving their happiness experienced a greater increase in happiness than those who were told just to focus on the music.

What seems to have made one group so much happier than the other in their respective studies was a combination of actively trying to become happier and using the right methods – in this case, listening to happy music.

Ferguson and Sheldon’s important findings challenge earlier studies suggesting that actually trying to become happier was, in fact, counterproductive. “[Our] results suggest that without trying, individuals may not experience higher positive changes in their well-being,” they write. “Thus, practitioners and individuals interested in happiness interventions might consider the motivational mindset as an important facet of improving well-being.”

And that’s definitely something worth thinking about.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Family Night at Back Experts

Complimentary Chiropractic Check-Up and Wellness Adjustments for children 18 and under. 

January is a critical time to keep the immune system maximized.  Dr. Anderson is offering a unique opportunity to to get the kids healthy and have some fun at the same time.  See consumer reports study on cold and flu symptoms and chiropractic. family-logo

Wednesday January 15th starting at 6pm

  • Join us for a night of fun with the kids. 
  • We will have a Movie Playing with snacks and give-a-ways.
  • Free scoliosis screening and evaluation with digital printout for your records.
  • Free wellness adjustment for the kids if needed.

Sign-up for this free event for priority scheduling.  Walk-in will be taken on a first-come first served basis.

Simply Sign-Up Below

Need Help with Flu Symptoms – Try Chiropractic First

Consumer Report conducted a study of people with cold and flu symptoms.  47% of people using chiropractic says it helped a lot.  More than over-the-counter medication.  So next time you have the sniffles, try chiropractic first.

Dr. Craig Anderson


Read more at consumer reports.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Week of Giving at Back Experts

This week (12/9-12/12) we are collecting food for a Community Dinner is East St. Louis.  This dinner feeds about 700 people the week before Christmas.  In addition to feeding families, the kids get a chance to pick up toys and the families leave with a box of food to help out for the rest of the month.
My family will help with delivery along with our Church.  Any donations given this week will directly to this work.  Back Experts is helping collect…
  • Specific Food Items
    • Stop by the office (or email Carlene) to get the specific items needed.
  • Donate $30 to stock one box of food
  • Donate any toy item
    • New of gently used
  • Donate any Clothing Item
    • Gentle Used

Each item you donate your name will go in a drawing for a free adjustment.  If you donate 15 items you get 15 entries.  Donate $30 and get entered in the free adjustment drawing PLUS a drawing for a free neck pillow.
Thanks for everything,
Dr. Craig Anderson

Donate at 19 Mullanphy Garden Shopping Ctr; Florissant, MO  63031
Call:  314-837-9911