Monday, March 31, 2008

Are Growth Hormones in Milk Bad?

There has always been some concern and debate about the safety of growth hormone in milk. Nothing has been demonstrated conclusively as a fact sheet from Cornell University outlines. Consumers don't want growth hormone in their milk and Walmart is responding. Starbucks, Kroger and Safeway have also begun the switch. I personally don't give my children milk from cows that have been given these growth hormones.

Decide for yourself:
Growth Hormones in Milk is...
no problem - Cornell University
may be a problem - Natural News

Friday, March 28, 2008

Knee Pain and Chiropractic Adjustment

That pain in your knee is often what doctors call patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). Simple activities such as running, jumping, or going up and down stairs can contribute to knee pain, which means that most of us will eventually suffer from some form of PFPS.

It has been suggested that PFPS can be relieved by sufficient stretching and lengthening of tight structures around the patella (the kneecap). A study in the Journal of the Neuromusculoskeletal System investigated this potential intervention in 30 patients with PFPS. Patients were divided into two groups: The first group received "patella mobilization" (extension of the knee with pressure and movement applied for 10 minutes, followed by patellar adjustment in the direction of restricted movement); the second group received detuned ultrasound as placebo (five minutes of ultrasound, but with the intensity set at zero).

Patients receiving mobilization had positive improvements in PFPS symptoms compared with the placebo group. The authors note that this type of conservative care may be useful when combined with other treatment options such as exercise, orthotics and activity modification. If you're suffering from knee pain and would like to know more about nonsurgical approaches to relieving your pain, contact us.

Rowlands BW, Brantingham JW. The efficacy of patella mobilization in patients suffering from patellofemoral pain syndrome. Journal of the Neuromusculoskeletal System: Vol. 7, No. 4, pp142-49.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Kids Need Breakfast

We all need a good breakfast. It provides the fuel for our day and helps us stay healthy.

The journal, Pediatrics reported a study of 2216 children over 5 years. They looked at eating and exercises habits among these kids. The study found that skipping breakfast in children leads to weight gain. They also found that girls were more likely to skip this critical meal.

Moral of the story, eat your breakfast. Even if it's just a quick bowl of cereal. - Dr. A

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Anatomy Resource

I'm a fan of anatomy. Anatomy hasn't changed in many years. There are new discoveries and understanding of the human body but overall it's constant.

There are many fascinating things about our body. How our body temperature is regulated. Our ability to push our physical limits and come back stronger. How the brain (a 3 pound mass in your head) controls and coordinates every bodily function.

Unlike a machine, the more we use our bodies the better it gets. We see this with exercise, sports, even mental endeavors. If you don't use it you loose it.

Our body is amazing. Seemingly unconnected things like good posture and heart function are linked. I've always wondered, why do our ears keep growing throughout our lives? Your ear will be one inch longer when you reach 100!

If you're interested in exploring anatomy, I found a website that offers a very comprehensive look at human anatomy, it's called and it's free.

In Health,
Dr. A

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Fish Oil Good for Stroke Prevention

A report in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that fatty fish and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid may be as effective at reducing the risk of thrombotic stroke.

Investigators tracked 79,839 female nurses. At the onset of the study, the subjects ranged in age from 34 to 59 years. Food frequency questionnaires were used to ascertain the women's intake of fish oil and Omega 3's.

After controlling for various risk factors of cardiovascular disease, investigators found that, compared with women who ate fish less than once a month, women who ate fish one to three times a month had a 7% reduced risk of stroke; women who ate fish once a week had a 22% risk
reduction; women who ate fish two to four times a week had a 27% lower risk; and women who ate fish five or more times a week had a 52% lower risk.


Monday, March 17, 2008

Catalyn: The Ultimate Multiple

I have used Catalyn in my practice for 10 years and it's my most recommended multiple vitamin. It's based on a whole food theory of vitamin supplementation: smaller dose, more available to your body, found in nature and not artificial.

The manufactures web site describes Catalyn as a "food-based package of nutrients in the most potent and bioavailable form." If you would like more information visit Catalyn is an inexpensive way to ensure you are getting essential nutrients. - Dr. A

Order 90 Count Bottle, $10.00 from Back Experts

Would You Like 20% More Energy? Exercise.

It seems too good to be true.

Our bodies were made to move. Today we call it exercise; 150 years ago they called it living. Today we can spend hours sitting, fixed in a chair; 150 years ago they were working the land or building a railroad.

If you don't move you will eventually have to deal with aches, pains, arthritis, weight gain, fatigue, sluggish bowel function, lower test scores, depression, osteoporosis, loss of focus, back pain, fibromyalgia, bad attitude, bounced checks, hangnails, yellow teeth, loss of friends, foreclosure on your house, restless legs syndrome, restless arm syndrome, buck teeth, excessive nose hair, you name it!

Ok, I may have exaggerated a bit but you get the point. If you don’t use it you lose it. Last week a nice research study came out of the Journal, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics and reported by Web MD the benefits of low-intensity exercise.

"Too often we believe that a quick workout will leave us worn out -- especially when we are already feeling fatigued," researcher Timothy Puetz, PhD, says in a news release. "However, we have shown that regular exercise can actually go a long way in increasing feelings of energy, particularly in sedentary individuals."

The study had participants ride a stationary bike for 20 minutes three times a week at a low intensity. After 6 week their energy was up 20%. Not bad.

If you haven’t incorporated exercise into your life yet, start today.

Friday, March 14, 2008

The 100 Year Lifestlye

Are you planning to live to 100? You should be. Dr. Plasker has put together a book that can help you plan for the long haul. - Dr. Anderson